How well is your company doing in terms of developing your brand? Take my Corporate Branding Success Quiz below to find out where your efforts stand.
Respond to the 10 statements below using a tiered scale as follows: 1=Never, 2=Sometimes, 3=Always
- Employees and customers know the one word that your brand occupies in consumers’ minds.
- Customers know what to expect from your brand.
- Employees can clearly articulate your brand statement.
- Your employees and customers know where your brand is positioned in the marketplace.
- Your brand is clearly differentiated from the competition and employees and customers can articulate what that difference is.
- Your employees are trained on an ongoing basis to know your brand’s image, message and promise and understand how to portray that message and promise as brand ambassadors.
- Your marketing initiatives consistently deliver the brand’s image, message and promise.
- Your company invests a portion of its budget on brand marketing initiatives.
- Business decisions are evaluated for brand-worthiness. In other words, business decisions are evaluated to ensure they are consistent with the brand image, message and promise.
- Your company employs branding experts who are responsible for maintaining the consistency and integrity of your brand (e.g., a Chief Brand Officer and staff).
Review your responses and add the number of times you answered with a 1, 2 or 3. If most of your answers are 3 (Always), you’re doing great. If the majority of your answers are 2 (Sometimes), you’re on the right track but there is work to be done. If the majority of your answers are 1 (Never), you need to refocus efforts on developing your brand in the short-term.
The Corporate Branding Success Quiz is a tool that can help you identify gaps in your brand development strategy and focus efforts to achieve results quickly. Use the Corporate Branding Success Quiz on an ongoing basis to ensure your company is on the right track in terms of developing your brand. In fact, the Corporate Branding Success Quiz is a great tool for quarterly planning meetings to kick-off the meeting and show everyone in attendance where your brand stood 3 months ago, where it is now and where it needs to go to achieve success.
Image: Flickr
Lucy is Editor at Corporate Eye
Great article but new millennium branding can be enhanced by the power of social media.