There is something quite interesting going on in the social community network that doesn’t quite make sense to me. I write a lot about social media and media relations, discussing how phenomenal these platforms are and how great for business they are. I focus a lot on the effects of effectively strategized efforts can have on a business’ sales and exposure. It works. It’s good for business. Everybody’s doing it. Or are they?
While on one of my social platforms the other day, an acquaintance found me and in almost a giggly nature, asked me how is it that I had a Facebook page. They were surprised that I even knew what Facebook was. Really? I thought most all business people knew what the highly effective online platforms were. After all, that is the gas that powers our online business engines, right?
Reaching the Masses
Honestly, Facebook and Twitter is not for a certain demographic or a particular social group, specifically. Although there are certainly some demographics that make up the bulk of their membership, it is not completely indicative of who makes up their community. Quite frankly, these social platforms can’t afford to be picky, as their business is driven from word-of-mouth and social buzz. So really, you want to make sure people are talking about you and your business’ products or services.
Staying Connected
But, back to social platforms. I am just about addicted to my Facebook and Friendfeed pages and find myself checking them at every chance I get. I’ve even downloaded the app to my iPhone so that I can check my updates and correspond with my “friends” even when I’m at my children’s soccer practice. I’ve gained new business, answered questions, resolved issues and even bid on new writing jobs all while multi-tasking from my iPhone. As a freelancer, we must stay connected to the heartbeat of the writing industry and be prepared at every available opportunity. As business owners, they too must be connected and prepared to make decisions.
Since I have a business, and a small business no less, wouldn’t it make sense to me to market, advertise and drum up business everywhere I go and to everyone that I talk to? Of course it does! Therefore, the use of these social platforms has become a daily lifestyle for me and has added a new depth to my online writing services. And quite frankly again, I feel that I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of connections and possibilities.
Do large businesses do the same? Do corporations talk with and keep in touch with regular, everyday people?
Do all corporations have a Twitter account, a Facebook page or even a MySpace account? If not, they really should.
Scobleizer also wrote a rather compelling piece on his blog that talked about some of these very same things. After all, why have a business or a corporation if you’re not going to market them or create buzz about them? I think corporations err when they don’t extract as much as they can from an available resource.
What do you think about corporations using social media platforms? Does it enhance or detract from their images and goals?
I am a freelance writer, blogger and professional motivational speaker. I primarily focus on business content, offering my clients strategic marketing strategies for their businesses. I have been an entrepreneur for over 13 years, after having worked extensively in corporate America.
Our church has been very successful in utilizing Facebook. Read more @ Over 1000 people in just a few months.