We all know that the sum of what a person thinks about your company is developed within the first thirty seconds of viewing your website or blog. You therefore have a few seconds to a couple of minutes to impress your audience. How will you do it?
In taking a look at your blog or website design, is it user friendly? Easily navigable? Or, do you have a template on your site that you plan to “get to when you can?” When corporate sites take that extra minute to ensure that they have a comprehensible and engagable site, they do well. Very well.
Have you ever visited a blog site and found it to be quite impressive, perhaps laden with digital graphics, easy to navigate menus and interesting, compelling content? Do you find that our site here at Corporate-Eye fits that audit? There are so many blogs and websites on the internet today that there is often an issue with finding quality presentations.
There are quite a few corporate blogs in the blog-o-sphere, and trying to review each of them is a task more deserving than just a few lines. But what I wanted to do also was to look at one of the blogs that I follow to see if they fit the first impression criteria and what readers are actually looking for. Delta and General Motors are two corporate blogs that I follow. Their site design is quite interesting, and made me curious to know if either of the two, or both, of the blogs appeal to a niche audience. Or, perhaps because they’re household names, they automatically gather a following. Tell me what you think about GM.
General Motors
What appeals to you about the site? Do you find it easy to read and understand? What would you suggest to the site owners to do to make their blog more appealing? Would you visit this site again and often? What stands out to you and makes a compelling impact?
In corporate blogging, it’s really quite simple. First impressions are lasting impressions. All we have to do is to ensure that we have fresh, compelling content and that we are appealing to our niche audience. What can your corporate blog do differently to ensure just that?
Tomorrow, we’ll take a look at the Delta site.
I am a freelance writer, blogger and professional motivational speaker. I primarily focus on business content, offering my clients strategic marketing strategies for their businesses. I have been an entrepreneur for over 13 years, after having worked extensively in corporate America.
Since over half of your blogging visitors will arrive by search, I think you’re missing the most important elements of a great corporate blog: Did the blogger answer the question? Corporate blogs can be awesome acquisition vehicles for companies – but they have to provide frequent, relevant and compelling content to the visitor. Along with answering the question, they must also provide a means to actually ENGAGE with the customer!