Just in case you’re starting to lose track of all this eco-sustainability-responsibility-footprint stuff, a timely reminder of the sheer complexity of the task came last week from one of the most interesting of the new crop of MPs, Caroline Lucas.
The Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Import, Sale or Distribution) Bill was introduced somewhere just after 12:10pm on 16th September and received its first reading .. which in plain speak means the title was read out and not a lot more. So long as the details are worked out by the second reading (scheduled in February 2011) all remains hunky dory.
However this bill’s very appearance gives a very strong hint as to where the commercial world has gone wrong. We need a law, it appears, to…
make it illegal in the United Kingdom for a person or company to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire or purchase timber or timber products illegally taken, harvested, possessed, transported, sold or exported from their country of origin
Doesn’t that strike you as odd? [Read more…] about Writing Treehugging Into Law