With so many different social media channels to choose from, as a B2B company, it is important to use the right social media channels for you, as using social media channels optimised for the B2C marketing arena will be a waste of effort and budget. So, to clear up the confusion surrounding the mystery that is social media, here is a guide to the top 5 social media channels for B2B marketing.
1. Blogs
Blogging is a B2B marketer’s best friend, and is fast becoming one of the most useful social media tools available. The reason blogs work best for B2B marketers is because you can guarantee the audience already have an interest in the industry, so as long as you post relevant and interesting content on your blog then it should be a fool proof lead generator, and at the very least promote brand awareness.
2. Micro-Blogs
People in the millions have flocked to Twitter, the best known micro blog, over its so far short life span, and although many people still don’t completely get why or how to use it, they still do. It is one of the easiest channels to build a following on, and is great for creating brand awareness and attracting visitors to your blog. Do not however use direct product plugs on there. Your company will lose its value and reputation on Twitter very fast if you do this, as people don’t go on there to have adverts shoved down their throats.
3. Social Networks
Social networks are vast and varied, with both open ones such as Facebook, and niche ones, the most popular being LinkedIn, built for business people to network. LinkedIn is the natural leader when it comes to B2B marketing, because it’s the one place you will find all the employees of companies, from the CEO and Director down to the Execs, and you can target them directly depending on their business related profile information. Another added bonus of LinkedIn is Slideshare, a presentation and document sharing application that is great for B2B use. Chemical company BASF have made use of both LinkedIn and Slideshare for their B2B marketing needs.
I wouldn’t rule Facebook and Google+, etc out just yet, as they do have their benefits, but they tend to attract a younger more consumer-based audience, especially Facebook, and therefore work far better for B2C marketing. If you are deciding on only one social network for your company to use, I would suggest LinkedIn.
4. Video Sharing
Video sharing channels such as YouTube have been an instant hit for B2C marketers, and this has somewhat put off many B2B companies. But in actual fact, YouTube can be just as successful for B2B if used correctly. A good example of how to make it a success on a B2B level is asking clients to record a case study, stating what their requirements were and the solution provided by your company. BASF have utilised their YouTube channel to give insights into the brand and their values, as well as the services they offer.
5. Image Sharing
Image sharing site Flickr is a well-established and valued social media channel. Although it isn’t considered to be as engaging as video sharing, image sharing is still a great way to promote brand awareness, and works well as a fast and easy option when used alongside other social media strategies, but should not be used as your company’s sole channel. Enel Group have utilised their Flickr photostream to give an insight into what the company is backing.