I enjoy finding a corporate website that stands out from the crowd. My latest finding is ANZ, one of the largest companies in Australia and New Zealand, and a major international banking and financial services group.
The first section I always look for is About Us

The About Us landing page is comprehensive and well designed. Personally, I would like Corporate Governance to be more prominent, but it is available via the related links section from the landing page.
Once in Corporate Governance, let’s look at what is displayed in this section.
At the top is this statement–
In relation to corporate governance, ANZ’s Board seeks to:
- embrace principles and practices it considers to be best practice internationally;
- be an ‘early adopter’, where possible, by complying before a published law or recommendation takes effect; and
- take an active role in discussions regarding the development of corporate governance best practice and associated regulation in Australia and overseas.
The second and third bulletpoints are remarkable. This is a company that wants to go beyond the “letter of the law”.
The Corporate Governance section Is very comprehensive; however you have to download PDFs to access the information. Regular readers will know that I would prefer the information to be displayed online with PDF as another option. A must see is the the Continuous Compliance Policy (PDF) which is an explanation of the company’s objective of going beyond Compliance Regulations.
Another interesting element of this site is the Our Company section that is actually the detailed About Us section, and quite a good one at that.

Click on Our Businesses and you get a more detailed description of functional and geographic areas of the company.
View Management to obtain a comprehensive background on senior managers.
Select Our Profile to learn more about the company’s strategy, and more.
A noteworthy section nestled within the Corporate Responsibility section is the company’s commitment to enhancing Financial Literacy. This subject is getting global attention due to the demise of personal pensions and the worldwide economic crisis. The company offers extensive education.
In partnership with some of the most trusted community organisations in Australia and New Zealand, ANZ has developed a number of programs that address issues of financial literacy and inclusion. Find out more about our programs:
- MoneyMinded – an adult financial literacy education program
- Saver Plus – a matched savings program for people on low incomes
- Progress Loans – a program offering small loans to people on low incomes
- MoneyBusiness – a program to improve levels of financial literacy in indigenous communities
Action on financial literacy and inclusion doesn’t only help the community – it helps ANZ too. Find out why.
This commendable suite of programs deserves to be prominently displayed on the homepage. (More about financial literacy in future posts).
But most interesting is the desire to go beyond “the letter” of compliance to “the spirit” of best practice.
Ed Konczal has an MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business (with distinction). He has spent the last 10 years as an executive consultant focusing on human resources, leadership, market research, and business planning. Ed has over 10 years of top-level experience from AT&T in the areas of new ventures and business planning. He is co-author of the book "Simple Stories for Leadership Insight," published by University Press of America.