Social media is a truly remarkable product in that it’s completely free to most users. Though we all have Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts at our easy disposal, we’ve never paid a penny.
The flip-side of that is that, every now and again, we do end up having to suffer a few adverts. But, if these are well targeted, tasteful and easy to avoid then we can’t have too many complaints.
The nature of these third-party sites, however, does make on-brand use of social media quite a challenge and it’s not always easy to get your corporate message across on someone else’s website. It’s a tough task but it’s not impossible: here are a few steps towards getting it right.
Personalise At Every Opportunity
If you are given limited opportunities to make your own stamp on a site then you need to make sure the first thing you do is use them all. Make sure any opportunities for filling in information are there, use on-brand and well-resized corporate images wherever possible and don’t leave anything blank. Unfilled forms will look like you’re trying to hide something from the viewer, so make sure everything is tidy and complete.
Tone Says Everything
What you say is absolutely fundamental, saying it in quite so few words is not always easy. However, there should be no obvious differences between the way you would describe your company on your own corporate web space and the way you would on Facebook. You may be writing for a marginally younger audience and, potentially, you may wish to be a little more informal in a blog than you would on your site, but you should be able to adapt these parameters within a style.
Always Keep Up to Date
If you are launching a new marketing campaign then your social media needs to be updated at exactly the same time. This is particularly important for recruitment sites: if candidates spot that brand is inconsistent they will assume the information is too. This could mean candidates assume positions are vacant when they’re not or, that they were perhaps intended for previous years.
Keep an Eye on Things
Finally, it’s important to remember that social media, unlike your web capital, is public. Beware of the sort of things people post on your sites and make sure you deal with anything that might damage your brand swiftly and efficiently. Don’t simply delete complaints, make sure you fully address them, but they don’t need to be public forever.
Just because you’re using a different format, don’t forget that your web capital still belongs to you. Make sure you use it wisely, in the future it could be the most valuable asset you have.