A few days ago a Forbes blog entitled Why has Corporate Social Responsibility stalled? did the rounds. It’s an interesting read and I’m not out to criticise. However it did bring to mind some research from a few years ago.
Back in 2008, before Lehman Brothers fell flat on its face, the European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) launched a project entitled Measuring the financial and non-financial performance of the firm.
This took the form of an extensive dialogue between businesses, academics, regulators and investors with the objective of exploring the link between ESG performance and a company’s financial success.
You can see some of the headline conclusions on the Investor Value website and download the full report Sustainable Value (PDF) from the same website.
A major part of the report is the Value Creation Framework, produced by researchers from University Bocconi. They described it as CSR .. The ‘C’ stands for Complex. Looking at the Value Creation Framework model above, you can understand why!
[Read more…] about Un-Stalling CSR with the Value Creation Framework | Part 1/2