For the ninth year in a row, Coca-Cola tops Interbrand’s annual ranking of the top 100 best global brands in 2009.
The biggest shifts in the 2009 Interbrand list of the best global brands came in areas that one would expect — financial and car brands fell (some dropping off the list entirely) while food brands rose (Interbrand cites the rising trend in people eating at home as a catalyst to this shift).
Overall, the total brand value of the 100 brands on Interbrand’s list lost 4.6% of their value in 2009, another sign of prevailing economic problems.
In fact, while there was a bit of position switching among the top 10 brands on Interbrand’s list, the same ten brands still appeared at the top in 2009 as in 2008. Here’s the top 20 for 2009:

Interestingly, as stock markets struggle and buying habits change in response to economic troubles around the world, the top brands remain quite strong supporting the theory that strong brands, while not a tangible asset appearing on a company’s balance sheet, can actually be a company’s greatest asset. Of course, that’s a fact that brand managers have known for a very long time, but convincing executives of the importance of investing money into long-term brand-building strategies remains a challenge.
The 2009 Interbrand list of the 100 Best Global Brands report includes a list of four lessons to be learned from the leading brands (follow the link to read the full Interbrand report):
- Emerging from the smoke requires a strong focus: I couldn’t agree more, and I frequently write about the importance of brand focus and contraction in strengthening a brand, particularly in today’s struggling economy.
- Invest more, not less: This is absolutely true, but remains very difficult to achieve as I mentioned above.
- Be consistently committed to renewal: Riding on the status quo won’t do anymore. The good times do come to an end.
- Strong brands grow from the core: So true! Without a strong foundation, a brand is doomed.
What do you think?
You can follow the link to read about the 2008 Interbrand 100 Best Global Brands report.