Should your company use Facebook, Twitter or Linked in for reaching out to other companies or buyers online? Could using these venues really be a way for a company to effectively reach out and market their product or service and make a name for themselves?
Social networking is without a doubt a very valuable tool that brings the right people, to the right places at the right times. You never know who you’re going to meet on different social platforms that could be a boost to your business, or an invaluable resource in your marketing efforts.
I love the analogy that Chip Hanna over at Business Press gave about how integrated Twitter is in our daily lives, both personally and professionally. It is true that these social networking sites are an integral part of connecting and finding connections, but is there a real benefit to it?
Without rehashing content already on the web, Mari Smith over at lists 10 good reasons why a company or business individual could use Facebook. Do you see yourself in any of those scenarios? And so as not to alienate Twitter, Chris Brogan wrote a very meaty article on 50 Business Ideas on Using Twitter.
Social networking is a very viable part of any business, large or small. It is almost required that an online business have some type of connection in the social realm and make it work for them. It by far is one of the few, almost guaranteed methods to grow and maintain a successful business online. What do you think?