Donating proceeds for good causes has always been something that major businesses and corporations have done for years. They do this in an effort to spread goodwill AND to bring exposure to their companies. Many times, large corporations will make an all out televised effort to spread cheer, or some will even do local-based community efforts as a way of furthering their mission and objective.
The event has long passed, but some things worth noting that made this public relations effort memorable is 1.) the international significance that it reached and 2.) the product itself.
Since everyone wears shoes, it’s a given that the campaign would appeal to the majority of customers nationwide. Crocs are heralded by many as being one of the most comfortable shoes available. Although it lacks a bit in fashion and style, is rather large and clunky looking and doesn’t seem quite certain as to what gender, age group or social group that it wants to market to, it remains a popular shoe choice. However that doesn’t stop the company from branding itself and making it one of the most popular consumer shoes available today.
The shoe campaign that Croc started along with Dispatch, a popular American Rock Band, was certain to bring in record crowds who loved this music style and those who either wore or liked the Croc shoe. Companies who sponsor events such as this are not always necessarily appreciative of the drawing crowd attraction, but that the crowd does get what they’re selling…and in this case, it’s the shoes. Crocs specifically.
The other element about this program that was impressive was the international significance of how the company marketed itself. They coupled with another international effort, pooled their ideas and resources and offered an incentive for customers to buy. For every purchase that the customer made, there would be a recycled pair of Crocs donated to the foundation, Soles United, and the shoes would be given to Zimbabweans. There were over 10,000 shoes donated to this effort, so in essence there are now about 10,000 Zimbabwean residents walking around in their country fashionably sporting an in-demand pair of classic Croc shoes.
What’s so special then about a company and a donation effort? The way they reach the consumer. Some media outlets especially like special interest stories that make a difference in the lives of others. Even more so, stories that reflect a giving nature and that highlight on the good that companies are doing rather than all of the wrong things are also especially nice. With Croc, they are not just giving away money, but they’re being a part of an effort to give people something that they also need…shoes. How ingenious could it be to have your name tied into an effort that helps a group of people, in a way where the help is wanted and needed, and at the same time bring classic exposure to your company and product? Sure it’s savvy marketing, but it also scores high media points and limitless warm and fuzzies with consumers. Shoes and people go together, well, like shoes and people.
Not a bunch of Croc. Just a great idea!