I love autumn: crisp cool days, bright skies, leaves turning to gold, the start of the academic year (clean paper, sharp pencils) … and the launch of the graduate careers sites.
Yes, its that time again. Among others, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) have relaunched their careers site and their blogs.
PwC, who always have interesting features on their site, seem to have restructured their graduate site a bit. Of particular note is the page dedicated to interaction, which offers podcasts, careers events alerts and live chat with a recruiter – virtually instantly, with no booking required. These are all ways to keep potential recruits informed and up to date.
Other great features include lots of detail about their offices, including local house prices, which will be of great interest to people needing to move to a new location, and entertaining short videos examining how the experience gained through the usual kind of student jobs – bar, shop, and restaurant work, charity work and even sports teams – improves employability, and, in particular, how this might translate to working with PwC.
Now, this Employability feature is unusual and I think it has a lot of value – and not only to those considering employment with PwC. It will certainly help with answering some of those tricky interview questions …